Friday, July 16, 2010

Thing #13: Image Generators.

You can find many different image generator tools on the web. One of my favorite ones was to create words with happy faces, you just need to go to click here! write your word, click the fancify your text button and it your smiley faces word is ready!

You can also create different Comic Strips at: click here! you can look for a particular cartoon or famous artist, write your text on the Text/Caption box, click on the button Customize your comic strip and ta-da!!!

The fun thing about learning how to use image generators is that you can use them with your students in different subjects in class. I am planning on projecting the morning writing prompts on the Promethean board using different comic strips to have fun and keep my students interested in writing. I am also planning to use the flikr mosaic maker on Science to show my students the different animals or ecosystems we will be studying that week.

1 comment:

  1. Those happy face words are really cool. I haven't played with those.
